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Neo-Victorian Vampire Horror Mash-up? Yes, please.

anno dracula

Image: Titan Books

“An alternate Victorian history based on a simple premise — ‘What if Dracula won instead?’ — Anno Dracula is a fun, bloody, and (if you’ll forgive the pun) biting book that is too often overlooked in discussions of neo-Victorian fiction.”

I discuss one of my favorite works of neo-Victorian horror over at the JVC Online: “Dracula as Prince Consort? Lord Ruthven as PM? The Vampiric Alternate History of Kim Newman’s ‘Anno Dracula’



More on Dracula: Part 2 of My JVC Online Post is Up!

Part 2 of my guest post for the Journal of Victorian Culture is now up! “When people talk about the downsides of e-books, they often complain that e-books lack a connection between reader and body—without the physical texture, weight, and smell of the book and its pages, the e-book can seem (forgive the pun) rather bloodless. Interactive e-book apps, like PadWorx’s Dracula: The Official Stoker Family Edition (2010), attempt to draw the body back into the reading experience in a different way, by incorporating finger strokes and the reader’s manipulation of the tablet into the process.” Read the full article here: “A Book to Sink One’s Teeth Into, Part Two: Bringing the Body into the Digital Book.”

A Book to Sink One’s Teeth Into: A New Article about Dracula for the iPad

Check out my new article for the Journal of Victorian Culture Online, which discusses PadWorx’s interactive ebook app of Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

“One of the major questions raised by the app is, Is this        Dracula or is it an adaptation? The app uses Stoker’s text, but at what point does our engagement with the text change so much that the work becomes something new and other?”

Read the full article here: “A Book to Sink One’s Teeth Into, Part 1: Revamping Dracula as an Interactive Ebook.” 

This is only Part One– more to follow!


New Article Up at The Toast

Check out my latest article for The Toast, in which I discuss Grant Allen’s 1899 novel, Miss Cayley’s Adventures.

Miss CayleyMiss Cayley’s Adventures follows the indomitable Lois Cayley, a New Woman and amateur detective, as she travels across the globe. Along the way, she wins a bicycling race, solves crimes, hunts a tiger, and redefines the meaning of “Adventuress.” Check out the full article here: “Lois Cayley: Bicycle Riding, Globetrotting, Crime Solving Adventuress” 

(Illustration by Gordon Browne)